Tuesday, 27 March 2012

When I grow up I want to be?

My nearly four year old has decided he wants to be a astronaut. We are over the moon (sorry had to be done!) Actually it is pretty NASA-like at our place at the moment as the astronaut in training wants to know everything about space so we are reading up on asteroids, the temperature of the sun, standing next to trees to get extra oxygen! and after three long years of swimming lessons and not alot of freestyle, someone had decided to swim because astronauts train in water (this is actually true, I know 1500% for sure as I have read the space book 1500 times and counting.)

Not sure how long this space thing will last but apart from revisiting my knowledge of planets and milky ways and intense questioning on toilet conditions in space, my son's passion for being an astronaut has got me thinking.

When do we stop believing and focusing on having a career/job/passion that we love?

So I am off to frame a print I just ordered to put up in the house for my children, for myself and for everyone who visits. Find Something You Love and Excel at It.

Not bad advice for anyone in this universe or beyond!

Monday, 19 March 2012

Please stop worrying

I have a confession to make. I am a reformed A-grade worrier.
Yep, the previous me was a real turn your hair grey, wake up in the middle of the night, bite your nails world champion medallist in worrying.

But then I stopped.

I stopped because worrying does not allow me to truly be the grateful, happy person I like being. I stopped because it paralyses your mind and does not allow you to move forward to reach your goals and I stopped because I learnt how to.

What I learnt was:
a) Write (this is vital) down what is worrying you
b) Then note what is the worse possible thing that could happen
c) List all the possible ways you can try and prevent the worse from happening
d) Move forward with the chosen way and do not look back, do not change course, do not but and ifs and maybes.
e) and live every day, every single one as a present experience. Not regretting the past or wishing for the future. Living and breathing in the day that is.

Simple stuff but I am loving it and I am so thankful to Dale Carnegie's Stop Worrying and Start Living audio book (and to somehow 'loosing" the Cars2 Theme Song CD in the car!)

What do you think of the above approach? How do you stop yourself from worrying?